Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dishes for the people I love

I wanna start this thread today. How many times when you see or taste a gourmet dish you really want to share that with the people you love: your the other half, your families and your friends. You wish them can be as lucky as you do. This simple joy of sharing and contributing can be extraordinarily encouraging in our life, and sometimes it's wordless. So from now on, I will start a list, called "Dishes for the people I love", to document my little impulse of sharing. Dishes will be added one at a time, and of course, starting from naive ones to complex ones. The key is to bear in mind those people you are cooking for. Think of what they will say and feel when try the dishes out. Yeah, a good life is that simple.

Starting from today, I am gonna give myself a hard time. The picture below shows a baked salmon covered with cheese and ranch. My version of salmon is based on this recipe.

I don't have a camera right now, so, unfortunately you can't see my salmon. But here is how I did it:

1. Fresh salmon from Shnucks, washed and evenly covered with some salt and garlic pepper. 10-15 mins.
2. Put the salmon into the oven; use broil. 10 mins
4. Chop garlic into tiny cubes, mixed with cheddar cheese.
5. Take the salmon out, disperse the garlic cheese mixture on the surface of the fish.
6. Put it back to the oven, continue to broil for 5 mins.
7. Remove from the oven, disperse Italian herds on top. Done.

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