Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama: more engineers, less bankers

A commentator on the internet commented on Obama urging American kids to study engineering instead of finance:

"I hear talk in canadian news about a shortage of skilled workers too, mandating the dire need to import more skilled workers on temp. work visas.

The problem with that is multi faceted. Our education system sucks, flat out, it's broken because they don't put the money into it and instead use it to get you indebted. The quality of the courses isn't there, the quality of the teachers is not there, student loans are less than 40% of what's required for engineering courses which are easily the most expensive, and you can't reasonably work a full time or even part time job while doing an inhuman program like they are unless you just "manager" your way though it.... which is all they are interested in graduating.

Then you look at your options and find that for a 30 to 40 thousand dollar education you qualify to earn just a little over min wage, but hey it's OK because you can work allllllll the hours you want, nobody will stop you.

Standard of living and quality of life are buzz words from a fairy tale that doesn't exist. Forget job security you don't even get that with engineering. Some of the world's very best analog engineers, the guys who wrote your books and designed some of the best components now in use are all getting the axe right now. There's nobody better, but there's millions cheaper. You don't even have to worry about them comming here to take your job anymore, the companies are going over there.

Anyway for decades they've created a void by underfunding education and making it feasible for the select few, further poisoning it by favoring the manager/ceo type that cheats their way through without knowing a damn.

Their solution to this self created void is always the same, you never hear them say "we really need to see what we can do to produce better and more engineers and make sure they have incentive to go into such a career. No, what they say is "there's big gap, must import".

They import ingineers that come and work for peanuts, send all their money home where their family can live off it like kings. Obviously this is just another bubble to be burst, but before it does they'll take it for all they can, and our countries will rott from the inside out as they so obviously are.

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