Linux has its own rules in where to put things. Here is a list of the basic file system.
/: root, it is the origin of whole file system.
/bin: most of the basic programs related to day-to-day operation, such as 'cd', 'rm', or 'ls', are stored here.
/sbin: this folder also hosts executable programs, not intended for users, but meant to be run by the system.
/etc: this folder stores all the system configuration files.
/lib: this folder stores share library files which can be called upon by other programs, usually dynamically.
/boot: the kernal of the Linux OS is located in this directory.
/var: files with variable sizes, such as database, emails, log files and etc.
/tmp: temporary files that are created during programs' runtime are usually located here.
/dev: all devices, including hard-drives, monitors, CD-ROM, flash drives and etc., are mapped as files, and stored in the /dev folder.
/home: personal files for each users are stored in their respective directories under /home.
/usr: programs installed by users are installed here.
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